memories for the future_D

MEAT AND BURGERS | 85 NOTE: These steaks keep very well in the fridge for 5-7 days and leftovers can be sliced, heated in the microware, sprayed with a little water and served as shawarma. If you want to make these in advance, you can prepare them up to the stage where they have finished steaming, and then remove from foil and place them in a sealed container with the marinade sauce and then leave them for a day or two in the fridge. Take them out of the fridge an hour before frying as above. When the grandchildren were young we were very aware of vegetarianism – Vered had been vegetarian for a number of years when she studied in the States. But of all our grandchildren, this picture of young Amit shows the revolution that occurred among our granddaughters, from omnivores to strict vegans. We know that you had to give up many foods that you loved. We are proud of each and every one of you.