memories for the future_D

26 | SALADS MARGALIT’S COOKED CARROT SALAD Peel and cut ends off a bunch of carrots. Cook in boiling salted water until just soft. Drain and when cool cut into ½ cm slices. Set aside. In a jar with a lid cut a pickled lemon* into little pieces and place in jar. Add ¼ teaspoon cumin, salt and black pepper to taste, a little canola oil and lemon juice, ½ of a big lemon or if small, all the juice. Lastly add 1 teaspoon honey. Close the lid and shake well. Pour over carrots together with chopped parsley. Keeps in fridge for a week. *See AVIV’S MOROCCAN LEMON PRESERVE under COUSCOUS AMIT WRITES: My grandma from my mom’s side, Margalit, is an amazing cook. She always loved to cook and even worked for a while as a cook at a kindergarten and her food is always loved by both kids and adults. Until I started being vegetarian and then vegan, she didn’t really cook any plant- based food but she always tries. The thing is, for her, being vegan is like being diabetic, it’s ok to have a bit: “there’s only one egg in the entire cake” or “only a small piece of chicken. “ Those misunderstandings, however, never stopped her from learning and cooking amazing and vegan food. MARGALIT’S MANGOLD SALAD Wash a bunch of mangold very well. Place the mangold in a pot of water and bring to the boil. When just soft, drain and rinse under cold water. Drain again and then slice. In a frying pan place 3 tablespoons of canola oil, and 2-3 cloves of garlic. Cook over medium low heat until just golden. Add mangold, salt and pepper, a little cumin ½ teaspoon zhug or ¼ teaspoon paprika, the juice of 1 lemon and stir. Serve at room temperature. At the wedding of Aviv and Limor, our family together with Margalit, Rafi and Kinneret and Tova and Denise