memories for the future_D

BREAD | 203 Change to dough hook and beat for 8 minutes until smooth and elastic. Cover with plastic wrap and leave to rise 18 minutes. In winter I heat a glass of water in the microwave then place the bowl inside together with the hot water. Punch down dough and on floured work surface cut into 2 pieces, shaping each one into oblongs.*** Cut an “X” with scissors or sharp knife. Place dough on baking sheet spread with cornmeal. Place in a cold oven. Place a large pan of boiling water underneath and switch on oven to 200° C. Check after 40-50 minutes and bake until the loaves are a deep golden brown and sound hollow when thumped on bottom. NOTE: *For the first 4 cups flour you may combine 2 cups whole-wheat flour, 1 cup of all-purpose flour and/ or 1 cup rye flour. If using rye flour add 1 tsp vinegar to the water. **If using bread flour, no need for vital wheat gluten. The bread will rise and be fine without using it. *** When first making this bread I formed them into rounds, but later found that oblongs were easier to cut. Since there is no fat, the bread stales quickly but freezes well. GRANNY WRITES: When Saba worked at Coral world in the Virgin Islands I attended a course at the Culinary Institute of America on bread and cake baking. I loved making bread, but the sweet smell of the cakes was not to my liking. Today preparing meals is my way of showing how much I love our family. I delight in preparing dishes that are enjoyed and appreciated. Having vegans and vegetarians has been a pleasant challenge of adapting ingredients or finding interesting things to prepare. After all, after 60 years of cooking things can get a bit boring.