memories for the future_D

COUSCOUS AND TAJINE | 119 NOTE: *You may want to place a heat diffuser on the stovetop if using an actual tagine and not a heavy pot with a lid I decided if 50 Dirham got me half way, on the way back I would pay 100 Dirham to get back to our hotel. I was instructed to walk this way and turn that way until I would see horses and carriages and that there were taxis there too. I found the horses but there were no taxis in sight. I negotiated to pay 100 Dirham for a horse and carriage to take me back to the hotel. But it was so hot and I felt so bad about the horses that when I recognized where we were, I got off and walked the rest of the way back to the hotel; straight into a cold shower. Henna Celebration before wedding of Aviv and Limor, Eilat 1998 Back row, Racheli and Sarah Olkinitzsky, Fern, Avigail and Caroline Livneh, Aviv, Tova, Moran, Vered, Rael and Denise Front row Saba, Limor, Dani, Louise and I (AvivR took the picture)