Dealer North, Vul N/S 2 AKQT2 T953 AKJ T43 J96 J8763 954 84 AKQ2 Q32 875 AKQ875 - J76 T964 This deal appeared during the 1997 Bermuda Bowl in Hammamet (Tunisia) in the match between Poland and India. At one table India's North-South pair bid cautiously to four spades, but they were beaten by three rounds of top diamonds followed by the diamond 2 which created a trump promotion. At the other table Romanski-Kowalski (NorthSouth for Poland) were more ambitious. They reached six spades after North opened one heart. The unbid suit was clubs, so East tried a Lightner Double, hoping for a different lead. However, West understood that a double asks for the lead of dummy's first bud suit. He dutifully led a heart, allowing declarer to score all thirteen tricks. In this case the Polish pair didn't bother to bid a grand slam, but plus 1860 still resulted in a very handsome swing. Finally, a hand from the 1968 Women Olympiad (or Ladies Olympiad as it was called back then): USA vs Canada. Dealer North, Vul None 53 A6 KJT7 Q9632 T9 862 QJT875432 - 53 98642 - KJT74 AKQJ74 K9 AQ A85 At both tables the bidding started with two Passes, and South opened with a strong two clubs bid. The American West overcalled no less than six hearts, forcing the Canadians to guess. The final contract was six spades by South. West made a smart lead of the heart two – not a disastrous lead at all. She hoped partner would ruff and return a club, and so it happened! The unhappy contract went down four: two heart ruffs, two club ruffs as well as the club king, since South tried the club ace at trick two. At the other table the Canadian West overcalled merely five hearts, allowing North to make a cuebid of six hearts. The final contract was seven spades by South. East didn’t double six hearts, and she failed to double seven spades as well. The latter decision was fine on two counts: First of all, a Lightner double of a grand slam would prohibit partner from leading his suit. Moreover, their opponents could run away to seven no-trump. However, West attached some importance to her partner’s failure to double six hearts. Instead, she led a diamond… and thirteen tricks were made! 46 ירחון ההתאגדות הישראלית לברידג'