Digital Program Petrenko-Bahari

returns to the elevated spirits of the concerto’s beginning. In this movement, the blending of styles reaches its apex: melodic patterns and Baroque gestures on the one hand, and on the other hand, syncopated, somewhat wild rhythms, stubborn ostinato, dissonant sonorities and a multitude of contrasting themes that immediately reveal Stravinsky’s modernism. The concerto was premiered in December 1931 in Berlin with Dushkin and the Berlin Radio Symphony Orchestra conducted by Stravinsky himself. Ten years later the renowned choreographer George Balanchine created one of the most important ballets based on this music, which contributed to the work’s popularity. The staging of the work is not surprising, since it is essentially a kind of musical theater abundant with gestures, dynamic changes, pulsating and asymmetrical rhythms, while revealing lyrical and heart moving moments. Palina Kedem