
2020 יוני 202 גיליון 47 Face-to-face bridge has temporarily disappeareddue to theCoronavirusPandemic, and it has been partially replaced by online bridge. Businesses have reopened in Israel, but the future of bridge clubs, involving a lot of senior players, is still unclear. The Israel Bridge Federation has already replaced the traditional simultaneous tournament by a similar online tournament, and last month it organized an online championship for senior pairs which was attended by some of our best players. Such a championship is interesting for the bridge reporter, because he can easily view the bids and plays at all tables. Here is one of the more exciting deals. Dealer North. Vul E/W KJT3 A95 K9875 8 A98642 75 KT2 643 T42 AQJ6 6 AJ53 Q QJ87 3 KQT9742 This was the bidding at the table where Doron Yadlin (netfar) and Moti Gelbard were sitting East/West. West North East South netfar at48 motigelbard chaivii 1 ♦ Pass 1 ♥ 1♠ Pass 1NT 2♣ 2♠ 3 ♥ Dbl 4♣ Pass 4 ♥ Dbl All Pass West entered the bidding cautiously with 1♠. The field bid was 2♠, but netfar didn't like his suit quality. South couldn't bid clubs at his first turn, but afterwards he bid his seven card suit at every opportunity. North wrongly assumed that South was showing longer hearts, and paid dearly for that assumption. motigelbard already doubled at the three-level, in view of partner's vulnerable overcall, and the contract of four hearts in a 4-3 fit was obviously hopeless. Declarer starts with four obvious losers, and he cannot avoid losing a fifth. Plus 300 gave East/West 87% of the matchpoints. An even better score for E/W was achieved by Eitan Orenstein – Andre Glaser. Online Senior Championship // Ram Soffer English