
English 55 It is a well- known rule that in order to win at bridge one has to play well, but playing well does not suffice on its own . Some luck is required as well . This luck consists of receiving gifts from the opponents . However , when such a "miracle" occurs one must exploit it . The following hand appeared in a barometer IMPs tournament. ♠ ♥ ♦ ♣ 9754 4 KJ J96542 ♠ ♥ ♦ ♣ 8 A532 QT52 KT83 ♠ ♥ ♦ ♣ QJ3 KQJ976 864 7 ♠ ♥ ♦ ♣ AKT62 T8 A973 AQ The final contract was 4♠, played by South. West led the ♦2. Declarer played ♦J fromdummy and won the first trick. The loser count showed that South has one potential loser in spades (in case of a 3-1 break), one in hearts and one in clubs, depending on the success of the finesse. However, declarer was too complacent. He pulled two high trumps, entered dummy with the ♦K and finessed in clubs. West (Ron Pachtmann) immediately pounced on the opportunity. He won the ♣K and led a small heart to the ♥J held by his partner (Clara Hetz). She cashed the ♠Q and played another heart. Declarer was forced to ruff with dummy's last trump while clubs are blocked! Eventually declarer had to give up a diamond trick as well as the three tricks he already lost. Despite declarer's obvious error, East-West had to play accurately and time their defense very well in order to beat the contract. Of course, declarer could make his contract in numerous ways, for example: playing hearts before drawing trumps to enable two ruffs in dummy. Alternatively he could draw trumps, followed by ♣A and ♣Q from his hand while he can still enter dummy with the ♦K. Exploiting An Opponent's Error Joseph Engel היחידה בישראל ‘ חנות הברידג מ “ חברה לקלפים בע , אריה ( אילון ליד קניון ) ברק - בני 16 הקישון 03-6186722 08:00-17:00 ה - פתוח ימים א מזמינים אתכם להנות מחווית הקניה אנו החדש שלנו באתר אונליין , משחקים ומתנות ,‘ ברידג של מוצרי www.lioncard.co.il סט קופסאות הכרזה קלאב הכרזה כולל קלפי מפלסטיק סימטריים ח “ ש 180 ח “ ש 240 במקום ח למשלוח “ ש 40 תוספת