
as he knew that Michael had the king, but this happiness was short-lived. Declarer drew trumps in three rounds, finessed spades, ruffed Barnet’s diamond return and claimed. Even a layman can easily see that the 6 ♥ contract would be doomed after a club lead. When the dust had settled it transpired that due to this poor result the leaders dropped from first to second place. They could have won the event by beating the slam, or alternatively by persuading their opponents to stop at game. Barnet summed it up: “I had blown the whole event with my deep thinking”. Second place was worth about 50K$, but remember that those prizes went to the owners rather than to the players. More than twenty years later, Barnet had this to say about that hand in his book Playing with the Bridge Legends. “Recently I was a the Summer Nationals in Chicago, and this guy came up to me and said: ‘Remember me? My partner and I bid 6 ♥ against you in the last round of the Cavendish in 1978… and you cost us a lot of money.’ “ ‘I cost you a lot of money?’ “ ‘We owned 10% of you and we were young students and needed the money. You should have doubled 5♣… and then we would not have bid the slam… I calculated it out – exactly how much it cost us.’ “ Barnet: “He made my day”. בעל עסק, שאלת את עצמך למה לי לפרסם בירחון דיגיטלי?! ,2018 בעולם האינטראקטיבי של כולם מתעדכנים דרך המסכים. כדאי להיות נגיש ללקוחותיך.. הם כבר שם! אפשרויות רבות לשידרוג המודעה והפיכתה לאינטראקטיבית! 077-5401053 טל': www.rotemltd.co.il | ravit@rotemltd.co.il דוא"ל: