
English 55 Brian Zietman We played a very swingy match in the "LigaArtzit" against the team of Subik and Egozy. When the dust was settled, we lost the match. Two swings were enormous – one for each team. Here are the two big hands. I picked up this monster. West ♠ ♥ ♦ ♣ AKQJ984 - - KQ6542 Even though it is not the regulation 23+ HCP's, it has tremendous trick taking potential so I opened 2 ♣ . In our system this is an Ace asking bid (see my article on CAB), and my partner duly replied 3 ♠ . This showed 2 Aces of the same rank. As I could see the ♠ A, I knew partner must have both minor suit aces, so I leapt to 7 ♠ ! North had ♥ Axx, so he doubled, and I redoubled! My partner held 20 HCP (She couldn't believe it when I opened 2 ♣ !), so the "strong" hand ended up being declarer, while the 2 ♣ opener (the weaker hand  ) was dummy. East ♠ ♥ ♦ ♣ 6 KQJ53 AKQ5 AJ3 After the lead of the ♥ A was ruffed, my partner led a spade. When both defenders followed, she claimed 19 tricks  : seven spades, three hearts, three Diamonds and six Clubs! At the other table they bid only 6NT and made it with an overtrick, so it was 2240 for us and 1020 for them – 15 IMP's for our side. It's strange to see both sides bidding and making a slam with such a large difference in IMP's. The next hand was less successful for our team. Here is the defensive problem which my partner faced: After an opening of 2NT by South (20-22 HCP), North bid 3 ♠ (transfer to clubs), Batia Egozi (South) disregarded the transfer and bid 4 ♥ . Yoram Egozi then jumped to 6 ♥ . My partner lead her singleton ♠ 5 and this dummy came down. ♠ ♥ ♦ ♣ AK4 J54 T2 Q9543 ♠ ♥ ♦ ♣ 5 87 K9873 KJ872 After winning with the ♠ A, Batia drew trumps and led the ♣ A (East playing the ♣ T) followed by a small club. What would you do here? Probably go up with the ♣ K (Remember, you are defending against 6 ♥ ). This turned out to be a fatal mistake and Batia took full advantage. The correct Slams in the "Ligot"