
English 46 because if this was a true card (which was almost certain after West's 3 ♣ bid), then East had no more clubs left in his hand. Next came the ♥ Q, followed by the ♦ T to the Q and A. Then on the king of trumps I discarded a small ♦ from my hand. I was not pleased that trumps broke 4-2 rather than 3-3. I was left to contemplate the spade suit. I considered a fi nesse against the J (a fair chance, since West was known to have a long club suit), but decided to play spades from the top. Fortunately, both lines work on the actual layout. Nine tricks were in the bag, and I played the high ♠ T. East had to ruff with the sole outstanding trump, but then he had to play the ♦ K. Reluctantly, he gave the last trick to the ♦ J in dummy. At the other table the same contract was played for down one. This 12 IMP-swing meant that we "won" the match by 2 IMPs. Unfortunately, a difference of 2 IMPs in a match of 16 boards counts as a tie. However, as I pointed out to our opponents, "We had the 2 IMPs edge, so the moral victory was ours". čēĤĐ ĘĐģĘ ĦĕĞđčĥ ĦđĤēĦ 16:30 ĐĞĥč ' ď ĕĚĕč ĤČđĜĕ ĥďđēĚ ĘēĐ ęĕĕģĦĦ Č " Ħ ,32 ĎĤčĜĘđ ĘđČĤ ' ēĤ , ĘĕĕēĐ ĦĚĤ "120 ďĞ " Ħĕčč . ęĕĞĕčĎđ ęĕĝĤĠ .(16:15) ĦđĤēĦĐ ĕĜĠĘ ĐČĢĤĐ ěĚĤčĕĘ ĕĦđĤ 054-4556111 : ęĕĠĝđĜ ęĕĔĤĠĘ ĎďĕĤč ěđďĞđĚ ' ęđĤďĐ ĕĢđčĕģ ɸÅǯ ɴǶɻ ¼º¿¸½µ½ 30 É´Æ´»¶ »È ´Çºµ» ²´² ) ģĕĜđē ( ĎĤđđĔĜČ . ³ É°È ¼´¸° ¼¸¸ÆÉÉÈ - 21.1.12 ³ÁÈ° 10:00 ěđČĘĎ ġđčĕģ Ęĥ ĘėđČĐ Ĥďēč . ĦđĤēĦĐ ĤĕēĚ – 60 Ĭ ěģēĥĘ . ęĕĤďđĐĚ ęĕĞĕčĎđ ĘčđģĚė ĦđĕĢĤČ ěĚČ ĦđďđģĜ ęĕĜđĥČĤĐ ĦđĚđģĚĐ ĦĥđĘĥĘ đģĘđēĕ . ĦĘĐĜĚ ĦđĤēĦĐ : ³¸´Ç¯ ¾° ³°¸°¯ . đĜĕēĤđČ ěĕč ęėĦđČĤĘ ēĚĥĜ . Đčđē ĥČĤĚ ĐĚĥĤĐ . ĘĢČ ęĥĤĕĐĘ ěĦĕĜ : ¼´Ç½ Ǹ¯½ 050-8856957 »¯±¸ ¹Ç´´ 054-4967125 đČ 052-9426207 ÇµÈ ¾´¿Ç¯ 054-7918128 ĎďĕĤčĐ ĒėĤĚ ' ĘĥČĤ ĕĤĔĜČģ " Ģ ɸÅǯ ɴǶɻ ¼º¿¸½µ½ 30 É´Æ´»¶ É°È 28 ǯ´¿¸ 2012 – 10:00 – 14:00 ĕĤĔĜČģĐ ěđďĞđĚ , Ĥďĥ ' ěđĕĤđĎ ěč 45 ĘĥČĤ " Ģ ēđđĤĚĐđ ĥďēĐ ęĘđČč ęĕĜđČĥĤĐ ĦđĚđģĚĐ ĦĥđĘĥĘ ęĕĞĕčĎ ĦđĤēĦ ĘĐĜĚ : øµÈ ¾»¸¯ ¸ ěģēĥĘ ĤĕēĚ : 60 Ĭ ęđĘĥĦ ČĘĘ ĐģĥĚđ Ęģ ďđčė ĥČĤĚ ęĥĤĐĘ Đčđē – ĘčĎđĚ ĦđĚđģĚ ĤĠĝĚ ¸½¸Ç½ – 03-9621469 052-4381866 °¯µ – 03-9695350 054-4210618 ĐĚĥĤĐ ĘđĔĕč ĘĞ ĥČĤĚ ĞĕďđĐĘ Đčđē ěđďĞđĚ " ęĕĘĥđĤĕ ĦĎ Á ɸÅǯ É´Ç¶É " µ µÇ ¸°¯ È " » ďēČ čđčĝ ĦđĤēĦ 30 ĦđģđĘē ¼´¸ ¸È¸È , 30 Ç°½Å²° 2011 , ³ÁÈ 10:00 ĐĤčēĐ ěđďĞđĚ " ĦĚĞĜ " , ęėĕĘĞ ęđĘĥ 10 , ęĕĘĥđĤĕ ĦđĤēĦĐ ĘĐĜĚ : ¸ÇµÁ »¸¸¯ ğĦĦĥĚĘ ĤĕēĚ : 60 Ĭ ęĕĜđĥČĤĐ ĦđĚđģĚĐ ĦđĥĘĥĘ ęĕĞĕčĎ ęĕĕĠĝė ęĕĝĤĠ : ęđģĚ 1 – 600 Ĭ ęđģĚ 2 – 400 Ĭ ęđģĚ 3 – 200 Ĭ ĥČĤĚ ĐĚĥĤĐ ) Đčđē ( ¸Ã¯Ç± ɸǸÁ : 052-3949074 Ç¿À¸¯ ¸Æ¸½ : 052-4817778 đ ěđĞčĔ ĦĕĕĤģ ĕĜđďĞđĚ " ĦĠģĤ " Á ɸÅǯ É´Ç¶É " µ ¾½Ç°»¸À °¯µ È " » ďēČ čđčĝ ĦđĤēĦ 30 ĦđģđĘē ¸È¸È ¼´¸ , 13 ǯ´¿¸° 2012 , 10:00 – 14:00 ČĦđđĢ ęĘđČ – ĐĚčĐ ĦđĕđĜĚđČĘ ĒėĤĚ ēĤ ' ěđĝĘĜĢė 35 , ěđĞčĔ ĦĕĕĤģ ęĕĜđĥČĤĐ ĦđĚđģĚĐ ĦĥđĘĥĘ ęĕĞĕčĎ ĦđĠĦĦĥĐĐ ĤĕēĚ : 60 Ĭ ğĦĦĥĚĘ ĦĚďģđĚ ĐĚĥĤĐĐđ ęĕĔĤĠĘ : ¸º²Ç½ ¾° ³Ç¸½Á 052-3754841 ǴDz ¾° »¯¸Ç¯ 050-8565064 ¸Ç²³ ³º»½ 052-8635879 ĥČĤĚ đĚĥĤĕ ČĘĥ đĘČĘ ęđģĚ ēĔčđĕ ČĘ