
English 55 Brian Zietman What happens after 1NT by your partner and a nasty sounding double by your RHO? In the pre- bidding boxes days, the double could sound very threatening. Even today, some players seem to be able to place that little red card on the table and make their partner understand that they mean business. Considering that 1NT usually means 15-17 and the double shows similar values, the position can be very dangerous, because the bulk of the points are sitting behind the 1NT opener. Considering that on average both the opener and the doubler (is there such a word?) have 16 HCP each, that means that there are only about 8 HCP left for you and your LHO. For your LHO life is easy – with a strong hand (6-10 HCP), he leaves the double in, and with a weak hand (0-5 HCP) he takes it out to his longest suit. Most club players don't really know what to do as a partner to the 1NT opener. The late Zvi Shilon taught me his system for dealing with this problem and escaping disaster, and it certainly helps. I learnt later that this system is called Helvic run-outs. So what are your options after 1NT-Dbl? 1) Pass - this shows either: A relatively strong hand (6-10 HCP) OR • 0-5 HCP with 4-3-3-3 distribution. 2) RDbl – this shows a weak hand (0-5 HCP) with a 5 card (or longer) suit. 3) 2 ♣ - this shows a weak hand (0-5 HCP) with two 4 card suits, one of which is clubs. 4) 2 ♦ - this shows a weak hand (0-5 HCP) with 4 diamonds and a 4 card major. 5) 2 ♥ - this shows a weak hand (0-5 HCP) with 4-4 in the majors. How does it continue? Well, after 1NT-Dbl-Pass-Pass, your partner must redouble . Then if you are strong (6-10 HCP) you Pass. Now you put your LHO in the hot seat, and if he tries to escape, then maybe you can punish him. If the fi nal contract is 1NT redoubled, then your partner has good chances of making it. West North East South 1NT Dbl Pass Pass RDbl Pass ? Good hand (6-10) – Pass. Weak hand (0-5, 4333) – bid 2 ♣ . If you redoubled 1NT, it showed a 5-card suit and a weak hand. Now partner must bid 2 ♣ . If this is your suit, you Pass. If not – you bid your suit. Now you will play in a 5-2 fi t (or better) and maybe your opponents will not double. West North East South 1NT Dbl RDbl Pass 2 ♣ Pass ? 5+ Clubs – Pass. Else – Bid your suit. 53 בעמוד המשך Helvic Run-outs