
Dealer South. Vul All - 3 QJT52 KQJ7654 AJ7542 QT93 AK54 QJ87 6 AK983 T3 - K86 T962 74 A982 Here is how this wild deal can be bid: West North East South Pass 1♠ 4♣ 5♣ 6♣ Pass Pass 6♠ Pass Pass ? West and East each have 12 HCP, with an enormous fit between them. It seems obvious to bid six spades with East’s hand over the opponent’s competition to six clubs. In case North sacrifices to 7♣, he would probably buy the contract, but the cost (-800) is higher than game. At the actual tables, most pairs didn’t reach a slam and stopped in a spade game. 48 ירחון ההתאגדות הישראלית לברידג'