
English 2019 אפריל | 188 גיליון 55 The inaugural European MixedTeamChampionship in Lisbon provided many exciting moments. I collected some highlights from the slam zone. First of all, a somewhat lucky slam for England (fifth place). True, the opponents could cash the ♠AK (and get a ruff later), but they were unlikely to do so. Even after the deadly lead was missed, declarer required diamonds to be 4-4, but all’s well that ends well. Board 21. Dealer North. Vul N/S A7 Q654 T973 653 QT9 J5432 K87 A9 AKQ86 - JT AKQ842 K86 JT32 J542 97 West North East South Osborne Hinden Pass 1♣ Pass 1♠* Pass 2♠ Pass 3 ♥ ** Pass 3♠ Pass 4 ♦ *** Pass 4♠ Pass 4NT Pass 6♣*** All Pass * diamonds ** 4 th suit forcing *** cue-bid, agreeing spades **** two keycards and a void East’s attempt to sign off at four spades indicated some problems, but West nevertheless asked for keycards. After East’s six-level response he knew he was missing two of them. Since one of the missing keycards was probably the king of spades, West Pass ed six clubs and prayed. The leadwasa routine ♥ J. Declarer drew trumps, ruffed a diamond in hand and luckily there were four spade discards available. Contract made. In the following board, Latvia (second place) reached a good slam after some atypical bidding. Board 1. Dealer North. Vul None AKQ 32 JT8764 AJ J5 432 Q98764 JT5 5 Q93 KT63 Q972 T9876 AK AK2 854 Mixed Teams Slams // Ram Soffer